uv dtf printer

UV Printer Leather digital printing

Eine neue Ära der UV-Drucktechnologie für Leder

The leather UV direct printing process is leading a revolution in the leather products industry with its unique advantages. UV printing leather is a great innovation not only in production process, but also in speed and effect! Giftec has newly developed leather-specific ink, combined with our digital printer, which can make the pattern firmly adhere […]

Eine neue Ära der UV-Drucktechnologie für Leder Mehr lesen

Giftec UV Printer

Der „Weißkanal“ eines UV-Druckers?

In the field of digital UV printing, the setting of the white channel is a key step.  Especially when dealing with graphics that require a white background or printing on transparent, dark materials, or need to print relief, 3d embossed effect. Correctly setting the white channel can not only ensure the vividness and clarity of

Der „Weißkanal“ eines UV-Druckers? Mehr lesen

Giftec single pass printer - Malaysia Installation

Giftec Digitaldrucker Sorgenfreier globaler Kundendienst - Malaysia

This time our technicians came to Malaysia to provide the best quality digital single pass printer and 6090 uv printer installation services for two of our users! After the technicians arrived at the site, they explained the functions and uses of the printer step by step to our users. It’s great that users can easily

Giftec Digitaldrucker Sorgenfreier globaler Kundendienst - Malaysia Mehr lesen

UV printer printing color difference comparison

Warum gibt es Farbunterschiede beim UV-Druck?

UV printer is a digital plate-free full-color printing machine that can directly print in color on the surface of mobile phone cases, wood, acrylic, glass, leather, etc. It has fast printing speed, high color saturation restoration and simple operation. It is an essential equipment for many digital printing companies. But when using a UV printer,

Warum gibt es Farbunterschiede beim UV-Druck? Mehr lesen

Giftec UV printer coating

Wie man 6 Arten von Beschichtungen für UV-Drucker verwendet und wie man sie lagert

Although UV printers can print patterns on the surface of hundreds or thousands of materials, however, due to the characteristics of different material surfaces, differences in performance such as adhesion and flexibility of UV ink can cause skin peeling and peeling off on some materials, which requires the use of UV coating to solve this problem.

Wie man 6 Arten von Beschichtungen für UV-Drucker verwendet und wie man sie lagert Mehr lesen