inkjet printer

UV Printer Leather digital printing


The leather UV direct printing process is leading a revolution in the leather products industry with its unique advantages. UV printing leather is a great innovation not only in production process, but also in speed and effect! Giftec has newly developed leather-specific ink, combined with our digital printer, which can make the pattern firmly adhere […]

革用UVプリント技術の新時代 続きを読む

Single pass printer in Dubai

Giftec Global Installation – Let’s cheer for the single pass printer users in Dubai!

Good day everyone! Giftec team has been busy providing printing solutions and delivering digital printer orders to our global users Recently our technical team came to Dubai to install the Leopard-S630 Single pass printer for our Otofood company in Dubai Industrial City Otofood is a manufacturer of high-quality paper cups of different sizes, mainly exported

Giftec Global Installation – Let’s cheer for the single pass printer users in Dubai! 続きを読む

Giftec single pass printer Benin customers

WoW! Order Single pass packaging printer with cash!

Welcome friends from Benin to come to Giftec factory to learn about single pass printers. During the process, he was very impressed with our single pass printer and the printing results, so he ordered a printer for his business directly on the spot. This is a decision that you will not make the wrong way!

WoW! Order Single pass packaging printer with cash! 続きを読む

Giftec UV Printer


In the field of digital UV printing, the setting of the white channel is a key step.  Especially when dealing with graphics that require a white background or printing on transparent, dark materials, or need to print relief, 3d embossed effect. Correctly setting the white channel can not only ensure the vividness and clarity of

UVプリンターの「ホワイトチャンネル」とは? 続きを読む

UV プリンターのインク飛びの問題を解決するにはどうすればよいですか?


UV プリンターのインク飛びの問題を解決するにはどうすればよいですか? 続きを読む

Giftec single pass pouch printing machine



シングルパス印刷方式とは何ですか? 続きを読む

Giftec single pass print packaging box bag machine



シングルパス用のインクはどのように選択しますか?染料インクですか、それとも顔料インクですか? 続きを読む

Giftec single pass packaging printer manufacturer

Giftec シングルパス包装プリンターがバーレーンに出荷

Giftec Leopard-S630 は、高速かつ大量の包装印刷ソリューションに最適なオプションです。自動統合フリクション フィーダーにより、介入する労働力が減り、時間とコストが削減されます。

Giftec シングルパス包装プリンターがバーレーンに出荷 続きを読む
