뉴스 & 블로그


기프텍 공장에 오신 것을 환영합니다

Giftec Customer testimonials

The person who came to the Giftec factory this time was my friend Valeri and his family from Georgia.

Customer visit
Customer visit

Valeri runs a company that specializes in 3C electronic related products.Such as mobile phones, watch, computers, related accessories, etc.

He is looking for a printer that can print logos on the mobile phone cases and 3C electronic related accessories he sells.

We explain in detail the functions and application fields of each UV machine, and directly print his logo on site to show the actual effect.

uv printer Print sample
Print sample

We use Giftec A3 UV DTF Printer for proofing. 

Giftec A3 UV DTF Printer Print bigger and more, Ideal for printing customized gifts, like phone case, badges, pens, puzzles, golf balls, USB flash, cards, bottles, wood items, metal, PVC, PU, TPU, ABS, etc…

발레리 인쇄 효과에 매우 만족해요!!! 
Confirmed the order with us on the spot to purchase a Giftec A3 UV DTF Printer!

Customer testimonials

기프텍, 긱텍.

비전: 기술을 통해 비즈니스를 보다 쉽게 ​​지원합니다.

핵심 가치: 정직, 혁신, 전문성, 존중

Always with passions!

뉴스 & 블로그


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