블로그 가죽 UV 프린팅 기술의 새로운 시대 The leather UV direct printing process is leading a revolution in the leather products industry with its unique 자세히 알아보기
블로그 Giftec Global Installation – Let’s cheer for the single pass printer users in Dubai! Good day everyone! Giftec team has been busy providing printing solutions and delivering digital printer orders to our 자세히 알아보기
회사 뉴스 Welcome friends from India to visit Giftec! Giftec team is very happy and welcomes our friends from India to come to the site to discuss 자세히 알아보기
블로그 WoW! Order Single pass packaging printer with cash! Welcome friends from Benin to come to Giftec factory to learn about single pass printers. During the process, 자세히 알아보기
블로그 UV 프린터의 "화이트 채널"이란? In the field of digital UV printing, the setting of the white channel is a key step. Especially 자세히 알아보기
회사 뉴스 기프텍 디지털 프린터 Worry-free 글로벌 애프터 서비스-말레이시아 This time our technicians came to Malaysia to provide the best quality digital single pass printer and 6090 자세히 알아보기
블로그 UV 인쇄에서 색상 차이가 나는 이유는 무엇입니까? UV printer is a digital plate-free full-color printing machine that can directly print in color on the surface 자세히 알아보기
블로그 디지털 인쇄와 전통 인쇄의 가격 차이는 정말 가치가 있을까? Digital printers can directly print 95%+ of the materials on the market. The personalized, original and seasonal printing 자세히 알아보기
블로그 UV-DTF 인쇄 기술에 대한 새로운 아이디어? With the development of UV-DTF label printing technology, the scope of its application in various fields has expanded. 자세히 알아보기