The material selection for background walls is relatively diversified, including stone, ceramic tiles, wainscoting, wall coverings, glass, metal, etc. Among them, ceramic tile background walls are the most frequently used category.
The pattern and texture of ceramic tile background walls generally need to meet personalized customization needs, ceramic tiles need to go through processes such as shaping, firing, polishing, and edge grinding to complete personalized customization, coupled with storage, transportation and other costs, the cost of personalized customization of ceramic tile background walls becomes extremely high.
With the application of UV printing technology to background wall printing, due to the low investment in УФ прынтэр equipment, simple process, no need for firing, and bright colors, the cost has been greatly reduced, and personalized customized background walls have enter thousands of households.

Ceramic tile inkjet printing solutions
Weather resistance and durability
Ceramic tile background walls are exposed to the air as home decoration materials, especially for outdoor use, exposure to sunlight and the effects of various weathering, ceramic tile background boards are easily discolored, peeled off, blistered, yellowed, weathered and powdered, etc.
In order to solve this problem, on the one hand, attention should be paid to the selection of base materials, and on the other hand, the selection of UV printing inks.
Giftec УФ-планшэтны прынтэр is equipped with excellent ink solutions, the actual application has undergone multiple tests, including ink adhesion test, fluency test, friction test, gloss test, hardness test, color test, etc. With superior weather resistance and durability, the printed ceramic tile background walls can maintain bright colors, clarity and resistance to falling off for a long time.
Safety and environmental protection
UV printing is a printing method that uses ultraviolet light to cure ink, the UV printed product itself is a green, burn-free, energy-saving and environmentally friendly product, moreover, it uses environmentally friendly ink printing, which is safer and more reliable when used in printing home decoration materials.
With the long-term use of ceramic tile background walls indoors, environmental protection and safety have become an issue that has attracted more and more attention from consumers. Using УФ-планшэтнага прынтара to print ceramic tile patterns has also become the choice of more manufacturers.
Personalized customization
УФ прынтэр is also called a universal printer. It is because of the universal applicability of its printing media and its flexible printing capabilities, one product all can be printed.
Розныя працэсы і ўзоры могуць быць надрукаваны ў адпаведнасці з рознымі патрэбамі кліентаў, што значна паляпшае хуткасць абароту індывідуальнай вытворчасці фонавых сцен з керамічнай пліткі і задавальняе патрэбы індывідуальнага дызайну аздаблення дома.
Giftec focuses on the R&D and application of УФ-планшэтнага прынтара, and has very professional solutions for printing needs in home decoration, gifts, daily chemicals, bags, advertising and other fields.
In various printing fields, Giftec УФ-планшэтнага прынтара cooperate with leading professional printhead companies such as Ricoh and Epson. Giftec launches a series of УФ-планшэтны прынтэр equipment for wood, plastic, acrylic, ceramic, glass, MDF, EVA,
phone cases, pens, golf balls, photoframes, bottles, cups, candles, badges etc. all kinds of gadgets, promo gifts, etc. All can easily meet customized printing needs.
If you encounter any problems, please consult Giftec Team.
Бачанне: дапамагчы прадпрыемствам прасцей з тэхналогіямі
Асноўныя каштоўнасці: сумленнасць, наватарства, прафесіяналізм, павага
Always with passions!