uv ink

Giftec UV Priner CMYK INK

What is the 4 colors, 6 colors, and 8 colors of UV printers?

At present, the application of UV printers is becoming more and more popular. In addition to being used in the advertising industry, it can also be used in the building materials industry, handicraft industry, digital product industry, leather industry, etc. There are many types of color inkjet printing for UV printers, which are divided into […]

What is the 4 colors, 6 colors, and 8 colors of UV printers? Read More »

Giftec uv ink

How to choose the color of ink for our UV printer ?

Under normal circumstances, when it comes to the standard configuration of UV printers, they are all 5 colors, but the corresponding number of printheads is different, some require one printhead, some require 3 printheads, and some require 5 printheads, because the types of printheads are different ( The number of channels of the printhead is different)

How to choose the color of ink for our UV printer ? Read More »