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What is the 4 colors, 6 colors, and 8 colors of UV printers?

Giftec UV Priner CMYK INK

At present, the application of UV printers is becoming more and more popular.

In addition to being used in the advertising industry, it can also be used in the building materials industry, handicraft industry, digital product industry, leather industry, etc.

There are many types of color inkjet printing for UV printers, which are divided into 4 colors, 6 colors, 8 colors and so on according to the color method.

The so-called four-color means that the inkjet printer uses four colors of ink: cyan, red, yellow, and black (C, M, Y, K) to print color images. 

By adjusting the ratio of the four color inks, various colors and light and dark depth effects can be combined. 

In our daily use and the current general trend of UV popularization,

4 colors are enough to meet people’s color needs, and the machine printing cost and usage cost will be relatively economical. 

Six-color printing is used to improve the color gradation performance when printing photos.

On the basis of four-color printing, (LC, LM) light cyan and light red inks are added. there are a total of 6 colors of ink when printing like this.

In recent years, some high-end products have continued to add gray, orange, red, blue and other color,

For some patterns with distinct dark and light colors, it has a transitional effect during printing,

making the colors softer and more delicate, and the printed image has a higher degree of restoration.

Can achieve better color performance. 

Eight-color printing adds two colors to the six colors, Lk (light black) and LY (light yellow).

Eight colors are better than six colors and can print different grays, especially when printing gradient colors,

the eight colors transition naturally, the lines are smooth, and the effect is very good. 

Users who have high-quality requirements for printing colors and images, it is more appropriate to choose an 8-color UV ink.

Although the machine usage cost and ink cost are definitely relatively high, high-quality colors can better meet the needs of more users.

In most of the cases, 6 colors is indicating CMYK+White+Varnish,

and 8 colors CMYK+LC+LM +White+Varnish, 10colors CMYK+LC+LM+LK+LY+White+Varnish. 

If any demands on different colors printing solutions, please feel free to contact Giftec Team now.

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