

Have you ever encountered unclear printed patterns when using a UV printer? Ink splashes everywhere? Don’t know what caused it? This problem is very easy to solve! Next, follow Giftec to learn how to easily solve it! 1. Check the print head The print head of UV printers is one of the main reasons for […]

如何解决UV打印机的飞墨问题? 阅读更多

Giftec UV Priner CMYK INK


At present, the application of UV printers is becoming more and more popular. In addition to being used in the advertising industry, it can also be used in the building materials industry, handicraft industry, digital product industry, leather industry, etc. There are many types of color inkjet printing for UV printers, which are divided into

什么是UV打印机的4色、6色和8色? 阅读更多