公司新闻 Giftec单通包装打印机运往巴林 Giftec Leopard-S630 single pass packaging printer is the idealest option for fast speed, and high-volume packaging printing solution, 阅读更多
博客 UV打印机的6种涂料如何使用,如何存放 Although UV printers can print patterns on the surface of hundreds or thousands of materials, however, due to the 阅读更多
博客 UV打印机不喷墨的原因及解决办法 The failure of UV printers to produce ink is one of the common problems during the printing process, 阅读更多
博客 负极供墨系统VS正极供墨系统,哪个更好? When the ink in the printhead and ink outlet tube is attracted by the negative pressure air, the ink can 阅读更多
公司新闻 欢迎您参观Giftec公司 Jimi Tuku has been using 6090UV Flatbed for almost 4 years, He said: When I saw the 6090 阅读更多
博客 如何正确快速地更换UV打印机油墨 UV printer is an advanced printing device used for high-quality printing on various materials. Sometimes we may need to 阅读更多
博客 如何轻松解决UV打印机日常使用中的小问题 In the daily use of UV printers, minor malfunctions may occur in the machine due to debugging or 阅读更多
博客 UV打印机玻璃印刷工艺解决方案 Now, it can be achieved directly through the printing technology of UV inkjet flatbed printer.Through UV inkjet technology, 阅读更多
博客 什么是UV打印? UV打印机可以打印什么? UV printer is a new type of direct digital printing technology developed in the past ten years. It 阅读更多
博客 为什么单通道打印机现在如此流行? Among digital printers, printers with one pass or single pass names represent faster production modes,the printing process can 阅读更多