inkjet printer

Giftec single pass printer Benin customers

WoW! Order Single pass packaging printer with cash!

Welcome friends from Benin to come to Giftec factory to learn about single pass printers. During the process, he was very impressed with our single pass printer and the printing results, so he ordered a printer for his business directly on the spot. This is a decision that you will not make the wrong way! […]

WoW! Order Single pass packaging printer with cash! 阅读更多

Giftec UV Printer


In the field of digital UV printing, the setting of the white channel is a key step.  Especially when dealing with graphics that require a white background or printing on transparent, dark materials, or need to print relief, 3d embossed effect. Correctly setting the white channel can not only ensure the vividness and clarity of

UV打印机的“白色通道”? 阅读更多


您在使用UV打印机时是否遇到过打印图案不清晰的情况?墨水溅得到处都是?不知道是什么引起的?这个问题很容易解决!接下来,跟随Giftec学习如何轻松解决!1. 检查打印头打印头是UV打印机的主要原因之一

如何解决UV打印机的飞墨问题? 阅读更多